A downloadable game for Windows

Buy Now$49.00 USD or more

This Pack is including all games (1 Month)

See my account for more details: https://www.tiktok.com/@brainuser55

1-You want to start you own stream on TIKTOK:

  • Buy a subscription key: after payment you will receive an email to register your Tiktok account.
  • After registration: you will receive your id and key to connect in the game.

Customer service via Discord or Instagram

  •  49€ for 1 month (all games) => STANDART KEY  
  •  199€ lifetime (all games) => LIFETIME KEY 
  • 299€ lifetime VIP (all games + new games) => LIFETIME VIP KEY

2-How it works:

  • Run the game
  • Enter your Tiktok account id (in my case it is: brainuser55 :  https://www.tiktok.com/@brainuser55 )
  • Enter your subscription KEY (received per email)
  • Start Your LIVE :D
  • Click connect


You can find a quick tutorial on my YouTube channel: (coming soon)

==> Sound Configuration

  • Press F2: enable/disable : playing  sound on follow event (15s minimum delay )
  • Press F3: enable/disable : playing  sound on Share event (10s minimum delay )
  • Press F4: enable/disable : playing  sound on Like event (50s minimum delay )

*minimum delay: the time between playing that sound in order to avoid repetition...

==> Interaction Configuration ( using numpad )

  • Press 1:  enable/disable interacting with join event
  • Press 2:  enable/disable interacting with like event
  • Press 3:  enable/disable interacting with comment event
  • Press 4:  enable/disable interacting with Share event
  • Press 5:  enable/disable interacting with follow event
  • Press 6:  enable/disable using viewers photo in the game (if relevant)

* Some time you need to disable the join, like, comments, follow  and  share  events to push your audience to send gifts. Ideally when your audience is more that 100-150 viewers.

==> Speed Configuration ( using numpad )

  • Press + :  Increase game speed (using Time scale )
  • Press  - :  decrease game speed (using Time scale )


-It is important that each user must have their own method to make the live stream. (We do not Sell access to LIVE  with this game)

-The most used currently are: TIKTOK LIVE STUDIO, using a stream key (not included when buying any software from us) , XSplit or OBS.

-It is important to know that streaming this type of games may entail to get Violation Warning and I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR IT. The reason for that is not clear and we are trying to reach TIKTOK to resolve the issue.


Do not insult / Don't spam. /  Do not sell anything to users


  • Do I make game under request? à yes ( it will cost you extra & delivery depends on my time )
  • Do I get follower while streaming?  Yes, it is not fixed but in my case +50, 500 up to 1k per day 
  • How much do you earn? It is completely random but usually from 5$ per day to 100$ (on the weekends …). But nothing is guaranty it depends on you and your account/follower etc. (this is only my experience )
Published 4 days ago
Tagsinteractive, tiktok


Buy Now$49.00 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $49 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Windows TiktokLive Game

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